The word "Mantra" has been derived from Sanskrit. Mantra contains two words - "man" which means "to think" and suffix "tra" which means "tool", hence a literal translation is "instrument of thought".

The Basic Mantra - Aum
The most basic mantra is Aum, known as the "pranava mantra", the source of all mantras. Aum is regarded to be the most fundamental and powerful mantra. Aum represents the first manifestation of Brahman, the Supreme reality. Thus, Aum is prefixed and suffixed to all Hindu prayers.

Reciting Mantra has become an established feature of the Hindu practices. Chanting  involves repetition of mantra again and again, usually 108 times completes one cycle.One can attain peace of mind quickly by chanting mantra.

Practical Aids for Chanting
  • Select any Mantra and repeat it from 108 to 1,080 times daily.
  • Take a bath or wash your hands, feet, face and mouth before sitting for chanting in the morning.
  • Sit facing east or north during the practice. This enhances the effectiveness of chanting.
  • Sit on a rug to conserve body-electricity.
  • Maintain a steady pose.
  • When the mind wanders, chant aloud, or whisper the Mantra for some time.
  • Do not chant mantra fastly.
  • Keep a picture or idol of the Deity in front of you. Think of the meaning of the Mantra while repeating it.
  • Observe silence and avoid distractions. It is important not to leave the place at once after the Japa is over and mix with everyone or get into worldly activity. This keeps the spiritual vibrations intact.